Latinas Empowering Latinas Podcast

In this conversational series First gen Latina therapist, mindset coach and expert business strategist, host Janessa Borges shares her best business strategies with a mix of raw insight, inspiration, and spicy Miami energy.  

Providing other Latinas a platform to share their voice and their message in order to inspire and provide motivation, tips, tricks & tools along with massive strategy to help other Latinas break glass ceilings. 

You can expect real, raw and honest conversations with other Latina business owners who are pioneering the way and most importantly: actionable plans that empower you to build a successful, multi-figure business (without stress) so you can enjoy the life you’ve always dreamed of living.

Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E32: How would you show up if you knew you couldn’t fail?

#32 How would you show up if you knew you couldn't fail? Every three weeks, I sit in a chair at Lissette’s salon and get my hair done. Her journey, like most entrepreneurs, is faced with moments of doubt and…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E31: The power of SEO for your business

#31 The power of SEO for your business In rushing to get things up and running, there are important factors when it comes to your website that tend to get overlooked. We focus on how to make your website finder…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E30: The importance of collaboration over competition: How to get more referrals

#30 The importance of collaboration over competition: How to get more referrals When we build community and stop looking at one another as a threat, we create a fuller, richer workspace for all of us. We’re exploring the importance of…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E29: All about websites: Buyer Beware

#29 All about Websites: Buyer Beware We all make mistakes, but take it from me, you can avoid some big ones when it comes to website protections in All About Websites: Buyer Beware, an episode of Latinas Empowering Latinas. Whether…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E28: What to do when you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed & discouraged on your business journey

#28 What to do when you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed & discouraged on your business journey Being an entrepreneur and business owner can be overwhelming! At times, you feel stuck and need inspiration. Life can leave us discouraged, but we can…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E27: Website protection, disclaimers, and chargebacks with Lisa Fraley, Attorney & Legal Coach

#27 Website protection, disclaimers, and chargebacks with Lisa Fraley, Attorney & Legal Coach Welcome to the final episode of a 3 part series with my personal business attorney and Legal coach Lisa Fraley. Lisa specializes in helping entrepreneurs in legally…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E26: Why you should be transparent with your pricing

#26 Why you should be transparent with your pricing It should be easy for clients who want to work with you to know exactly what that looks like. One of the easiest and biggest missed opportunities is being transparent with…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E25: Business structures, trademark, copyright, and contracts with Lisa Fraley, Attorney & Legal Coach

#25 Business structures, trademark, copyright, and contracts with Lisa Fraley, Attorney & Legal Coach Welcome to the 2nd episode of a 3 part series with my personal business attorney and Legal coach Lisa Fraley. Lisa specializes in helping entrepreneurs in…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E24: When and how to raise your rates

#23 When and how to raise your rates Do you want to raise your rates but not sure how to do it or are you second guessing your worth. Well, it's time to listen up because I've been in your…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E23: Legally protecting your business with contracts with Lisa Fraley, Attorney & Legal Coach

#23 Legally protecting your business with contracts with Lisa Fraley attorney & legal coach Welcome to the 1st episode of a 3 part series with my personal business attorney and Legal coach Lisa Fraley. Lisa specializes in helping entrepreneurs in…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E22: The importance of knowing your Why

#22 The importance of knowing your Why Do you struggle with staying motivated when things get hard in your business? I can relate…we all can. Being an entrepeneur isn't easy. It's full of risks, fears, wins and success. At times…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E21: Book Publishing

#21 Writing & Publishing your own book Do you have a book in you my friend? Or are you trying to find a way to earn some residual income without relying on someone else or a networking marketing business? Carol…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E20: The insight we gain through reflection

#20 The insight we gain through reflection  Do you ever wonder how you got to where you are? Well I stumbled across some old journals and the journey is often so much greater than the result. Listen in for some…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E19: Group Practice with McCance

#19 Steps to grow from a solo to a group practice with Nicole McCance Do you find yourself with a long waitlist, not enough hours in the day, and constantly referring out new patients? Well, then it’s time to scale…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E18: Biggest marketing secrets revealed

#18 Biggest marketing secrets revealed There are many different strategies and techniques that businesses can use to effectively market their products or services, but some key "secrets" include:Understand your target audience: Knowing who your customers are and what they want…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E17: Stress & Hormones

#17 The effects of stress & burnout on hormones as an overachieving woman with Claudia Petrilli, Functional Health & Integrative Nutrition Coach The effects of stress on women and entrepreneuurs is overwhelming. While we spend so much time taking care…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E16: The secret to visibility: The BEST platform for success

#16 The secret to visibility: The BEST platform for success Do you feel invisible? Are you struggling with which social media platform is best for you to grow?  Wondering what secret no one else is sharing with you? In this episode…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E15: Marketing basics with UM professor Lily Savinon

#15 Marketing basics with UM professor Lily Savinon In this episode, I interview Lily Saviñon – a bilingual marketer, university professor, and account supervisor at WOW MKTG. We talk about the building blocks to a great marketing strategy for your…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E14: Why Quitting Is Not An Option

#14 Why Quitting Is Not An Option I want you to understand: if every time things get hard or we don’t hear what we want to hear, we can’t quit. Being an entrepreneur is about resilience, determination, relentless perseverance, and…
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Latinas Empowering Latinas

S1E13: How to Provide Exceptional Customer Service

#13 How to Provide Exceptional Customer Service In this episode, I speak with Meryl Berger, the travel agent behind Palm Trees & Pixie Dust, about how to provide an exceptional customer experience. Customer service is essential for any business or…
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