#29 All about Websites: Buyer Beware

We all make mistakes, but take it from me, you can avoid some big ones when it comes to website protections in All About Websites: Buyer Beware, an episode of Latinas Empowering Latinas.

Whether you use a web builder, hire a web designer, or hire a company to build a fully custom website, there are a lot of pieces involved. In this episode, I speak with web designer Jennifer Waldsmith, jenniferwaldsmith.com, about the most important questions to ask when buying and setting up your website.

So sit back, grab a pen and get ready to absorb all this life changing info, trust me you won’t want to miss one second.

Main Topics

  •  My website horror story (01:52)
  •  Domains, Hosting, and Website Purchase (03:57)
  •  How to spot a scam (06:00)
  •  Jen’s Recommended Hosts (08:30)
  • SSL Certificates (10:59)
  • Buying a Domain Name (14:31)
  • Own your domain vs. a service (17:30)
  • Website extensions: .com, .net, .gov? (21:17)

Additional Resources

Latinas Empowering Latinas can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audacy, Amazon, Deezer, Player FM, iHeartRadio, Samsung, Gaana, and on our website at LatinasEmpoweringLatinas.com

Jennifer Waldsmith
Web Designer

Jennifer Waldsmith designs websites for entrepreneurs that drive growth, generate leads and convert. Her mission is to help you build a strong platform for your brand that drives up your visibility within your organization, industry, and professional network. 

Resource: Are you ready to stop playing small and scale your business?

I’m an expert in reading people, and extracting what you WANT to say and communicate it clearly and effectively to those you want to connect with. (Like a translator)

I put all the puzzle pieces together and help you apply it to your business.

One of the challenges in all the podcasts you’ve listened to, or the expensive programs and coaching you’ve paid for, is that you just didn’t quite get the success you were hoping for.

You didn’t have the individualized help you needed to apply it, or the coaches you have worked with just didn’t “get you.” Right?

The best programs work BUT you need a side-kick to help you apply all you’ve learned (and all you’re missing) so you get the results YOU need!

Even with all of their secret sauces, magic recipes, and playbooks you seem to be missing something…the secret ingredient to make it work for YOU.

My gift is seeing past where you’re stuck. I can see your vision, pull it out of your heart and your mind and create results.

I make sure your gifts are highlighted in a way that speaks to your ideal client, so they say “I want to work with HER!”


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